註釋Tax Guide 2015 provides comprehensive coverage of all areas of taxation applicable to Ireland. Written in non-technical language by an expert team of tax practitioners, it covers: Income Tax; Capital Gains Tax; Value Added Tax; Employers' PAYE/PRSI; Corporation Tax; Capital Acquisitions Tax; Stamp Duties; Vehicle Registration Tax and Customs and Excise.As well as taking on board the provisions of the latest Finance Act it features detailed worked examples and extensive references to recent case law. It also contains a set of tables giving speedy access to allowances, tax rates, compliance deadlines and other invaluable information.Tax Guide 2015 is an ideal reference book that serves as a self-contained textbook and as a pointer to more detailed Bloomsbury Professional publications, such as Irish Income Tax, The Taxation of Companies, Irish Stamp Duty Law and Capital Acquisitions Tax.Previous edition ISBN: 978178043461