The Canadian Law of Unfair Competition
註釋"The Canadian Law of Unfair Competition provides an in-depth coverage of common law, civil law and statutory offences and remedies. The treatise covers in detail all important aspects of the law including goodwill and reputation, wrongful interference with economic relations, injurious falsehood, misrepresentations in passing off, damages, dilution by blurring and tarnishment, remedies, distinctiveness, defenses, trade secrets, misuses of confidential information, amongst many other issues. Jurisprudence is clearly explained and compared, with occasional criticism. The historical development of unfair competition law in Canada and abroad is discussed in depth. The text also deals with the CUSMA (successor treaty of NAFTA), TRIPS and the 2019 amendments to the Trademarks Act. Relevant Canadian, United Kingdom, and United States jurisprudence is reviewed and compared. The law of deceptive marketing practices under the Competition Act is pragmatically explained, as well as the civil law of Quebec." --