.Net Framework and Programming in ASP.NET

The book has been written keeping in mind the general weakness in understanding the fundamental concepts of the topics. The book is self-explanatory and is based on question-answer pattern.

This book covers Genesis of .Net – Features of .Net - .Net binaries – Microsoft Intermediate Language – Meta Data - .Net types and .net name spaces – Common Language Runtime – Common Type System – Common Language Specification - .Net Applications using command line compiler and visual studio .net IDE.

Basics and Advance Concepts of ASP.Net includes  Creating and deploying ASP .NET applications – Web forms – Web controls – Rich web controls – Custom web controls – Validation controls – Debugging ASP .NET pages – ASP .NET configuration – Business objects – HTTP Handlers – Caching in ASP .NET – ASP .NET security .NET applications.

The book also deals with Web Services – Web services Infrastructure – SOAP –Building a web service – Deploying and publishing web services – Finding web services – Consuming web services.

Basics of ADO .NET – Changes from ADO – Data Table – Data Views – Data Set – OLEDB and SQL ManagedProviders – OleDb Data Adapter Type.