The Supreme Master Ching Hai’s 1993 World Lecture Tour

In early March 1993, The Supreme Master Ching Hai, in an effort to bring the message of liberation to souls longing for their Homeland, undertook the arduous task of a worldwide tour. The lectures, discourses, interviews, and responses to innumerable questions posed by seekers around the world spanned a period of three and one-half months and included 16 countries from the Orient to the Occident and back to the Orient. People of all races, religions, and nationalities gathered to hear a living Master speak of an ancient Method by which one may escape from this world of birth, sickness, old age, and death, and describe the beauty of another world that is our true Home.

Thousands of people, yearning for deliverance from the cycle of eight-four, were initiated by our benevolent Master into Quan Yin Method and thereby secured not only their own release but also that of their five generations. These six volumes consist of literal transcriptions of interviews and discourses presented by Master Ching Hai at venues that included university campuses, public auditoriums, outdoor gatherings, historical sites and hotel conference facilities, in cities around the globe. Most of the lectures were given in the English language, but in Germany, Austria, and France, Master Ching Hai spoke in the native languages of those countries.