Rusty Crooked Nails
註釋Set in the 1800's, Rusty Crooked Nails follows the trials and tribulations of a pair of orphans a generation apart who were abandoned at tender young ages. The narration goes back and forth as Bill Baker reminisces about his own struggles and accomplishments while dealing with the present as he takes impressionable Albert Scott under his wing.There are harrowing experiences as well as touching moments as you are swept up into this enchanting Frontier tale that has Tom Sawyer-like situations where adolescents struggle with real-life decisions in the face of adversity. The memorable characters of the Indian woman, the Blacksmith, and the Teacher will make you laugh, cry, and rejoice.Jim Cox uses his masterful storytelling ability to captivate the reader into the story without them realizing that he is also providing valuable lessons about living the good life with high moral standards and becoming a productive member of society. This book can be enjoyed by all ages, and it is especially beneficial for young adults who are seeking guidance and encouragement.