101 Ways to Survive 2009
註釋"2009 is a tough year. The financial crisis is really hurting retirees, families are winding back their spending, and businesses are having to lay off staff." "Australia has had 18 consecutive years of economic growth . a streak that may come to an end in 2009. It's more important than ever to take control of your finances, carefully manage your money, get on top of debt and save what you can." These words come from one of Australia's most trusted financial commentators and author, David Koch. In Kochie's 101 Ways to survive 2009, David Koch will show you how you can commit to changing your bad financial habits so that 2009 will be a whole lot easier.2009 is definitely unchartered territory. No one knows how bad it's going to get and a generation of Aussies have never known a downturn. They are saying that it is the worst since the `great depression'. Make sure you are well prepared. Kochie's 101 Ways to survive 2009 provides 101 ways which can help you to not only survive but also thrive. Tough times can be the best times. Readers of 101 Ways to survive 2009 can benefit to the tune of more than $10,000 in a year if they follow the tips and hints presented. In these times of financial uncertainty, Kochie's 101 Ways to survive 2009 is a guide for all.