This book seeks to provide readers with an understanding and appreciation of the challenges and opportunities for local community resilience in global change. Globalization, especially through social media, has changed various aspects of cultural development significantly. These changes have triggered diverse dynamics and influenced culture at the local level. This process can be seen in the various phases of development that occur, with changes directly felt by local communities. Responses to globalization vary from avoidance, compromise, adaptation, to complete acceptance. As a result, challenges and opportunities arise in maintaining the cultural identity of local communities in the era of globalization.
Based on the above, this book chapter consists of fifteen discussion chapters related to the challenges and opportunities for local community resilience in global change. The first chapter describes the Empirical Jurisdictional View Regarding Late Payment For Services Spaylater Online Loans And Spinjam For Shopee. The second chapter describes The Manak Salah Tradition In Padangbulia Village From 1945 Republic of Indonesia Constitution And Human Rights. The third chapter explains Human Rights Violations During the New Order (Case Study Of The Ban On Bumi Human Books). Chapter four presents a discussion regarding the Implementation of Pancasila As A Holistic Educational Ideology For The Indonesian National Education System. Chapter five examines The Strategy Of Jigsaw Learning Model With Kahoot Media In Class IX SMP Laboratory Undiksha. Chapter six describes The Role Of Campus Teaching Programs In Integrating Tolerance And Patriotism In Elementary School Students. Chapter seven will thoroughly examine the Application of Problem-Based Learning Model to Improve Students' Learning Motivation in SMA Negeri 2 Banjar. Chapter eight discusses Ngerebeg Tradition as an Implementation of Character Values. Chapter nine discusses the Application of Digital-Based Pancasila Education Teaching Materials to Improve Students' Learning Motivation of Class X of SMA Negeri 1 Payangan. Chapter ten discusses the Implementation of Pancasila Values ??in Gambuh Drama Performances as a Cultural Heritage of Padangaji Village. Chapter eleven discusses The Tradition Of Usaba Sambah In Maintaining The Disposition Of The Kastala Traditional Village Community. Chapter twelve discusses the Celebration of the Tradition of Installing Penjor Hari Raya Galungan the People of Busungbiu Village. Chapter thirteen discusses Analysis of Digital-Based Civic Education Learning Development at Junior High School Level in Singaraja City. Chapter fourteen discusses the Implementation of (P5) on Character Discipline and Responsibility at SMP Negeri 1 Singaraja Class 7A3. The final chapter discusses Local Wisdom of Parwa Puppet as a Media for Education of Pancasila Values ??in the Era of Globalization.