Creation of Certain United States Judgeships: Hearings on S. 1256, to provide for the appointment of additional circuit and district judges; S. 144, to provide for the appointment of a district judge for the District of Kansas; S. 149, to provide for the appointment of a district judge for the Northern and Southern Districts of Iowa; S. 208, to provide for the appointment of a district judge for the District of Arizona; S. 257, to provide for the appointment of an additional district judge for the Southern District of Mississippi; S. 864, to provide for a new third division of the Northern Judicial District of California; S. 927, to provide that Imperial and San Diego Counties in the State of California shall constitute a new and separate judicial district to be known as the Southern District of California, and to redesignate the present Southern District of California as the Central District of California; S. 1045, to make permanent certain temporary judgeships; S. 1164, to provide for the appointment of a district judge for the Southern District of Ohio; S. 1470, to provide for the appointment of a district judge for the District of Connecticut; S, 1512, to amend Section 107 of Title 28 of the United States code so as to eliminate separate divisions and reduce the number of places of holding regular terms of the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska; S. 1634, to provide for the appointment of a district judge for the District of Colorado; S. 2070, to provide for the appointment of a district judgefor the District of Maryland; S. 2173, to provide for the appointment of an additional circuit judge for the Second Circuit; March 4, May 26, June 8, and July 1, 1955
出版U.S. Government Printing Office, 1955