I Am Going to be Your Last Teacher : a Workbook
出版Roma Publications, 2023
註釋"This book by visual artist Yael Davids is clearly marked out as a workbook by the work itself and the response it requires of the reader. At the same time, it also asks the question: what exactly is a workbook anyway? The pull-outs in the book are exemplary in this respect. Although, when leafing though, it becomes clear that these pull-out pages are there as their fold is relatively far from the fore edge, the ends of these pages sit far enough into the gutter in that it is not immediately clear on which side the page opens. In this way, the book subtly requires some effort from us. Additionally, the pull-outs seem to be slightly at odds with the book’s collage-like execution. The form language of cut-and-paste work and the uncoated paper exude the atmosphere of a DIY zine: an easy-to-make, cheap object. Pull-outs, however, are a deluxe element – especially when there are eight of them. Which really begs the question, what do we really have here? In terms of graphic design, the interior excels through simple, clear choices. The aforementioned cut-and-paste work – the product of physical collages, photos of which are incorporated into the book – is recreated graphically in the text sections. This serves to effectively bind the text elements together and forms a bridge between the text and photographic elements. In terms of its structure, I Am Going to Be Your Last Teacher is elusive, but without sacrificing readability; it leaves the reader floundering, in a pleasant way, without sacrificing openness." --