Kinematic Methods for Quantifying Loss of Balance While Negotiating a Curved Path on a Slippery Surface
註釋Ten healthy industrial workers were recruited to perform a gait test for this study. The workers were required to negotiate straight and turning paths on dry and very slippery surfaces. Seven variables that quantify loss of balance during single stance were used to assess the potential of loss of balance when negotiating the different paths on slippery surfaces. These variables included measure of the distance of the whole body center of gravity (COG) deviated from the supporting base, slide distance, slide direction, and turning radius. Using these variables, it was possible to biomechanically conclude that negotiating a curved path on a slippery surface was the most difficult task, with the highest potential of loss of balance and fall. The direction most subjects' feet slid was 52 to 60° in the lateral direction. This study provides range of COF values in the lateral direction between the shoe-floor interface for preventing slip when negotiating a curved path.