Uncovering Fibromyalgia
註釋What is fibromyalgia syndrome? How does it differ from chronic fatigue syndrome? When was it first recognised and why is it a syndrome? Do all people experience the same symptoms? This book explores fibromyalgia and its causes. The author argues that fibromyalgia syndrome does not just have one causal explanation and that the symptoms may have a number of diverse causes that result in similar and overlapping symptoms but would require different treatment approaches to resolve. This would offer an explanation as to why sufferers experience their own unique set of symptoms out of a broad range of symptoms experienced by sufferers overall. This offers an alternative explanation to the one that argues that differing symptoms are the result of genetic variation. The author examines three substances - that could result in symptoms of fibromyalgia - and one nutrient for which a deficiency could explain fibromyalgia syndrome. In addition, the author raises the potential that fibromyalgia syndrome is really a rare connective tissue disorder - with 13 subtypes - which takes, on average, nineteen years to be diagnosed , For any sufferer of these conditions, the way forward is simply one of trial and error. As always the author writes from the perspective that as diets change over time, so does our intake of nutrients and these have a part to play in the disease states which are manifested at any particular time. In many respects the 'zebra' of medical conditions may also respond to nutritional intervention. The author takes you on a journey helping you to sort out and uncovering the true nature of your fibromyalgia syndrome.