註釋Completely updated, with extensive revisions, this casebook retains the features that have kept it a long-lived success. - provides a thorough foundation in land transfer law as well as a solid doctrinal framework in contract, financing, taxation, and titles - introduces students to the legal and historical background of land transactions - provides comprehensive coverage of the law relevant to different kinds of land transactions, with an emphasis on the major participants in the land sale and lending markets, the role of these participants, their business concerns, and their legal rights and duties - considers many of the more troublesome legal and policy problems in the land transaction field and posits possible solutions to these problems - cases have been selected to help demonstrate variations in real world land transactions and the frequent complexity of these transactions - materials develop students' ability to critically evaluate legal problems and propose solutions that best serve the parties' business objectives within the applicable legal constraints - provides a glossary of real estate terms and sample form documents Special features of the Fifth Edition include: - a new co-author, Marshall Tracht, who has written extensively in the areas of real estate development and construction financing, workouts, and bankruptcy - new cases and new and revised material in a number of areas, including real estate brokerage, lending discrimination and predatory lending, as well as developments in the real estate capital markets, taxation, and investment vehicles - extensive and up-to-date analysis of land transfer law and doctrine - updatedexplanatory text, article excerpts, and note material including recent scholarly accounts of major developments in land transaction law - new material addressing conveyancing and finance law - revised chapters: Chapter Three, Basic Tax Considerations of the Real Estate Transaction, reflecting changes in the tax laws and Chapter Six, Shared Facilities Ownership - a completely new Teacher's Manual