The Elusive Quest Continues

Unique in perspective, this book summarizes the achievements, problems, and prospects for theory in the field of international politics--with a focus on the theoretical and epistemological issues that divide the major theorists. It summarizes major theoretical approaches starting in the Middle Ages, places them in theoretical traditions, and suggests how theory evolves over time. It ends on a cautious note--praising the growing interest in the subjective dimension of the field while criticizing the wholesale rejection of empiricism by postmodernists, public choice theorists, and others. Paradigms and Theoretical Growth in Global Politics. Values and Paradigm Change in Global Politics. Changing Norms and Theory: The Middle Ages to Machiavelli. The Vicissitudes of Norms and Theory: Realism and Idealism. The State as an Obstacle to Understanding Global Politics. The Uncertain Bounds of Bounded Rationality. Quo Vadis Foreign Policy? The Challenge of Anarchy and the Search for Order. The End of the Elusive Quest? The Quest Continues. For anyone interested in international politics.