Women's Roles in Preventing Extremism Through Education in Afghanistan
註釋"Many societies around the world are affected by extremist violence. There has been great effort to combat extremism. This study examined women's roles in preventing extremism in Afghanistan. Using individual interviewing with female educators as the primary research method, the study revealed 7 themes, i.e., Inconsistency in defining extremism, no discussion of extremism in public secondary schools, no criticality in the education system, multidimensionality of extremism, families as a source of extremism, extremism not seen as having religious ideology, extremism is political, a result of the lack of access to quality/critical education and lack of resources. Connecting these themes to the research objectives, I concluded that there is an inconsistent understanding of extremism among female educators which is problematic, and while they are somewhat effective in preventing extremism, some of their male students resist their teachings. Also, lack of resources and quality education was a common concern among female educators and identified as factors that push youth towards extremist violence"--