Secrets of Kundalini Awakening
註釋The universe has seven divisions and the human consciousness has seven levels, which correspond to seven chakras in the human body. Accordingly, an aspirant of self-realisation passes through the seven levels of existence: physical, astral, mental, intuitional, atomic or spiritual, monadic and nirvanic or divine. The first level of realisation is that the aspirant is a dimensionless point of awareness called the atman, soul or spirit. The soul is eternal and has infinite potentialities. This book provides a possible proof of the above statements, based on the findings of various faiths and organisations, coupled with the personal experiences of the author after he witnessed the awakening of his Kundalini. It also presents various methods prevalent in the world today for opening the gateways to a higher consciousness. Last, but the most important chapter of this book deals with the secrets of Kundalini awakening. A balanced and scientific combination of various yogic disciplines, called the "Integral Path", is presented in all its details, so that an average aspirant can practise it without the help of a "guru". It is proposed to be the "shortest path" to God and the results can be achieved in a single lifetime, if everything goes well.