The Bad Idea Catalog
註釋The Bad Idea Catalog is a rather strange parody featuring hundreds of fatally flawed products that you can"t really buy because they don"t really exist. Of course, when the items include Prescription Drug Grab Bag, Solar-Powered Umbrella, and Frictionless Shoes, it"s probably just as well. There are hundreds of dangerous, ill-conceived, and just-plain-stupid products featured in this hilarious parody.A good (or bad) example is Inbred Kittens. The faux-catalog describes them as "hours of painful fun" and reminds the customer to "dispose of [them] in a responsible manner." And goodness knows what perils would await the real-life purchaser of Lava-in-a-Box. Of course, not all The Bad Idea Catalog products are dangerous. Some are just plain stupid. Like the Vice Presidential Trading Cards. Or the Horse Shoes, which are leather wingtips for your favorite thoroughbred. Or the Static Electricity Toupee.Others would no doubt be successful products, if only they were possible. Like New Job Smell, which promises to give veteran employees the same false sense of optimism they had when they were new hires. "Phrases like "competitive salary" and "teamwork" will take on positive meanings," says the copy.