Calculation of Stress and Strain from Triaxial Test Data on Undrained Soil Specimens
註釋The formulation of constitutive relations for use in computerized analyses of free-field ground shock phenomena is based primarily on laboratory-determined material properties. These properties, as described by stress-strain relations, are not directly determined in the laboratory, but are derived through interpretation of load and deformation data measured by the experimenter. Throughout this paper, one laboratory test, the triaxial shear test, is used to illustrate the extent of interpretation required on raw data and the influence of this interpretation on recommended constitutive properties. Various techniques that have been developed to obtain stress-strain data from the triaxial test are reviewed along with current advances in measurement systems. Typical raw data are presented and calculations of axial, lateral, and volumetric strains are made based on a variety of empirical and theoretical approaches. (Author).