A Taoist Enigma, the Exorcist Spell Lord Wood
註釋The canonical sources in the Taoist Ming canon contain various transmissions of exorcist rituals, which include a great number of spells. Spells, representing secret formulas, are essential elements in any Taoist exorcist performance. In most cases, the spells are unique as they reflect the pantheon and the purpose of the exorcism in question. There are some standard titles that recur, such as consecration spells for amulets or spells to employ thunder gods. They reflect the overall state of the literary collections entitled Great Rituals . They were collected in comprehensive titles such as A Corpus of Taoist Rituals from the 14th century. Very few individual titles of spells persisted throughout the centuries from the T'ang- to the Ming dynasty, and the enigmatic Spell Lord Wood is one of them. The wording of the title itself appears variously in extended versions. In the course of history, even the text of the spell has been partially altered, either expanded or shortened, while keeping some key phrases and the name of a mysterious Lord Wood as the characteristic element. A Taoist Enigma examines various editions of the spell and discusses its scope of application, while the uncertainties associated with the enigmatic spell "Lord Wood" are highlighted in passing. We do not know who, at what time and for what reason, either extended or abbreviated the spell. How should one deal with such an oscillating text of Taoist exorcism that must have been a professional secret? The Spell Lord Wood is a mysterious piece of Taoist literature that represents a secret side of Taoist exorcism, which this book attempts to reveal