The Cool Side of My Pillow
註釋"I wanted to write another book, but I had already yammered on about myself in two previous autobiographies, so it was time to mix things up. The Cool Side of my Pillow is a collection of essays. Don’t let that fancy word fool you. I’m not trying to get highbrow or rant myself blue, but there are experiences and observations outside of the entertainment industry that I feel are worth sharing. What’s it about? Mostly, things that matter to me, like putting in the effort, being honest and not treating the environment like it’s the enemy. Is it self-help? I hope not, but you will find musings about fame, mysterious carvings, UFOs and my general disdain of loud noises. Is it political? If it is, I’ll refund your money. There are no conspiracy theories in The Cool Side of my Pillow, just snarky humor and a sincere desire for us all to find peace on earth. I hope you like this book. It’s my first effort at “self-publishing,” so there won’t be any national book tour, marketing blitz or glowing reviews to get your attention – just me throwing it out to the “Inter-webs” and hoping you’ll find it. Regards, Bruce Campbell" --