Somewhere There's a Cartoonist Making Fun of Us
註釋Timothy C. Lockley returns triumphant with a second collection of his marvelously mind-bending medley of cartoons. Lockley plays with the English language as a cat might play with a mouse, leaving its shredded remains for you to find in an unexpected manner. With a cat, that might mean your slipper. With Lockley, he leaves his wordplay in these cartoons. It's a good time for all--save the mouse (but one likes to think that every now and then the mouse is in on the joke as well).* In any case, there is much fun to be had in these pages. Wicked wordplay. Delightful drawings. Thoughtful... err... thoughts. You be the judge. You won't be sorry.*Despite the overuse of the cat metaphor here, there are quite a few cartoons featuring dogs. Just thought you'd like to know.