In 1921 Ragnar Cederblom and his son Harry embarked in an adventure across America in a Tin Lizzy. This is the log of their route, the state of the roads, rest areas and towns that they encountered. Ragnar detailed the cost of everything, gas, food, lodging, and the endless repairs the early Saxon automobile plagued them with because of bad roads and the general newness of this type of transportation.
Then in 1925 Ragnar and Harry struggled to build a small house in Arizona, living from meager paycheck to paycheck, being cheated by the locals for farming schemes and trying to find ways to fill their empty bellies while saving up for the wood to build their tiny house.
This diary contains interesting information as to prices and what an early road trip was like. They encounter coin operated stoves and interesting characters who would offer them the water from their radiator to drink. Ragnar makes interesting comments about the salmon overfishing in the Pacific Northwest and has views on California's emerging irrigated farming. This is a gem for any historian or travel enthusiast!
Included is a handy map of their route and a cost comparison chart showing the how much prices have changed from 1921 to 2022.