Seeds of Poetic Healing

Seeds of Poetic Healing: Reading Between the Lines is a combination of words, thoughts and visions that gently present meaning to some of our most thought provoking questions.

Be blessed as you read, meditate and enjoy this book which will lead you through the trinity of your own mind. Enter into "Soul Searching," meditate on these inspired messages. As you continue through "Places in Time" remember we have all been there to find that it awaits for no one, and you leave to carry only your memories and experiences.

Now step into the mystery of love as you ponder the questions "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not? He Loves Me." You will return again and again to Seeds of Poetic Healing: Reading Between the Lines.

This book is exhilarating, thought provoking and above all a spiritual exhortation of the gift God has planted inside the author Isis Imani Sanders.