Shaping the Future
Stéphanie A. H. Bélanger
Alice Aiken
Military and Veteran Health Research
Canadian Defence Academy Press
, 2011
Biography & Autobiography / Military
Medical / Health Care Delivery
Medical / Military Medicine
Political Science / Public Policy / Social Services & Welfare
In November 2010, Queen's University and the Royal Military College of Canada (RMCC) hosted the first Canadian Forum on Military and Veteran Health Research (MVHR Forum), with the objective of engaging and invigorating pan-Canadian support to establish a national academic research program related to protecting the health of soldiers and examining the health impacts that occur throughout the life c [...] The Canadian Forces Surgeon General, Commodore H. W. Jung, introduces the book with a snapshot of the kind of research that would be of value to Canadian Forces members by presenting the military health context and challenges, a sampling of the military health services' primarily clinical and epidemiological health research programs, and the Canadian Forces' future strategic direction. [...] They provide a clear list of requirements for the successful advancement of veteran health research with an emphasis on the need to coordinate the national vision and partnerships with federal, provincial and university researchers in order to inform policy, programs and services to meet the needs of today's military veterans and their families. [...] Susan Ray and Cheryl Forchuk, from the Lawson Health Research Institute, aim to understand the experience of homelessness among veterans of the Canadian Forces and Allied Forces in an effort to discover the underlying causes of homelessness and to provide recommendations to improve services to veterans. [...] By working closely with the Department of National Defence (DND), VAC and a pan-Canadian array of university-based researchers, the CIMVHR unites existing research to promote, protect, and restore the health of soldiers and examine the numerous health complications that uniquely or commonly occur throughout the life course as a result of military service to Canada.