Vibrant Health Plus:


A radically new, patient-oriented health care system that combines the latest clinical laboratory science with full use of the latest information technology and the incredible power of today’s supercomputers. In what may well be a first, an electronic engineer, William D. Wood, proposes a controversial new American health care system in his book, Vibrant Health Plus: The Real Medical Revolution, recently published by ABC Press Inc.

    Based on supercomputers, advances in Clinical Laboratory Science, and new information sharing technologies, Wood’s Computer Test Information (CCTI) system is designed to be patient-oriented, and research driven—through the accumulation and analysis of vast quantities of information about the human body, with emphasis on highly advanced wellness levels breakthroughs.

    CCTI would collect information about geographical and environmental factors that may affect human health. A network of state, regional and national facilities would analysis this data, examine any correlations, and release the results.