Industrial Relations, the Economy, and Society
註釋"'Industrial Relations, the Economy, and Society' does more than simply inform, it engages, making for lively discussion and ultimately more thoughtful and informed readers. The book contains highly accessible coverage of conventional topic areas, including the history of industrial relations, contemporary employer practices, labour unions, labour law, collective bargaining, and contract administration. Yet it also includes coverage of broader economic and social issues relevant to the study of labour and employment relations in both the union and non-union sectors. A leading textbook in industrial relations at the university level, this book is valuable both as a primary and as a supplementary text for students of industrial relations, sociology, labour studies, economics, and management programs. An internationally regarded academic who has maintained a strong commitment to the quality of undergraduate as well as graduate education, John Godard has written the book so as to be conducive to effective teaching without sacrificing academic and intellectual content. To maximize teaching flexibility, each chapter is complete by itself and can be taught individually without affecting the reader's ability to understand subsequent chapters. This enables instructors to select contents that they consider most suited to their course."--