註釋We report 118 confirmed phyllostomid species for Colombia, and 14 species potentially present in the country, for a total of 132 species representing 40 genera and 10 subfamilies. All known phyllostomid subfamilies are represented in Colombia, with the exception of the subfamily Macrotinae (not present in South America). At 118 known species, Colombia has the greatest number of phyllostomid bats of any country. Included in the lists are 27 recently recognized species (19 newly described species and eight newly elevated species), 19 of which are confirmed for Colombia, while eight are potentially present. The checklist is accompanied by 18 taxonomic comments explaining recent changes in the taxonomy of the group. In addition, Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based models of potential distribution were created for both confirmed and potentially present phyllostomid species, and species richness patterns were analyzed. Finally, comments on the biogeography of the group are included.