John Cage Book of Days 2012
註釋Few twentieth-century artists have been as quotable as the composer, writer, philosopher, and visual artist John Cage, and his aphorisms have become mantras of fans the world over. Celebrating his gift for playful, concise wisdom, and published on the centenary of Cage's birth amid a huge wave of renewed interest in his life and work, The John Cage Book of Days 2012is a pocket calendar that brings together the composer's words with noteworthy historical events in his life. This year we celebrate his great love of food, drawing upon his anecdotally rich text entitled "Where Are We Eating? and What Are We Eating?" (first published in Empty Words: Writings '73-'78, in 1978). With little thumbnail images drawn from Cage's favorite cookbooks and a soft cover sporting one of his extraordinary edible drawings ("No. 1, 1990" ) made entirely of lemon, sesame seeds and mushrooms, everything in this calendar conspires to make even the mundane task of managing a life pleasurable, fresh and delicious.