The Kabbalah Unveiled
註釋Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers was a polyglot; among the languages he had studied were English, French, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Gaelic and Coptic, though he had a greater command of some languages than of others. His translations of such books as The Book of Abramelin (14thC.), Christian Knorr von Rosenroth's The Kabbalah Unveiled (1684), Key of Solomon, The Lesser Key of Solomon are his most well known translations. Christian Knorr von Rosenroth (July 15/16, 1636 - May 4, 1689) was a German Hebraist born at Alt-Raudten, in Silesia. After having completed his studies in the universities of Wittenberg and Leipzig, he traveled through Holland, France, and England. On his return he devoted himself to the study of Oriental languages, especially Hebrew, the rudiments of which he had acquired while abroad. Later he became a diligent student of the Kabbalah, in which he believed to find proofs of the doctrines of Christianity. In his opinion the Adam Kadmon of the cabalists is Jesus, and the three highest sefirot represent the Trinity. Rosenroth intended to make a Latin translation of the Zohar and the Tiḳḳunim, and he published as preliminary studies the first two volumes of his Kabbala Denudata, sive Doctrina Hebræorum Transcendentalis et Metaphysica Atque Theologia (Sulzbach, 1677-78). They contain a cabalistic nomenclature, the Idra Rabbah and Idra Zuṭa and the Sifra di-Ẓeni'uta, cabalistic essays of Naphtali Herz ben Jacob Elhanan.