註釋Inspector Bismark Pacheco, the most respected man in Costa Rica, would rather practice playing his tuba, but he is called to the mountain resort of Monteverde to investigate an armed robbery of a group of tourists from Sheboygan. Pacheco finds himself pitted against the oily professional criminal Delgado, masquerading as a bank vice president, and his hulking henchman, the evil Romulo. Journalist Wilson Abut writes it all down… the four muchachos who roam the cloud forest collecting quetzal feathers; Kenneth, the vodka-drinking poet who searches for meaning; Kaufmann, the mysterious Swiss businessman who has come to buy the town, and his gnomish valet Igor; Paco, the beer-swilling taxi driver who shaves on Tuesday and Thursday, and sings Cielito Lindo; Bonnie and Arnold, the UCLA students who came to see tropical birds and instead become kidnap victims; Dunbar, the Jamaican guide with the $1,000 binoculars, who ends up with an arrow through his throat. Pacheco and Luz Stella, his beautiful assistant, face death at the Monteverde Music Festival.