Analysis of Investments in Silviculture in British Columbia
註釋This analysis was produced to assess the economic benefits to British Columbia of Forest Resource Development Agreement (FRDA) I. The analysis was carried out for aggregated good & medium western hemlock stands on the coast and aggregated good & medium lodgepole pine stands in the interior. The benefits derived from silvicultural treatments are based on the allowable cut effect, meaning that an immediate increase in today's allowable annual cut can be attributed to expected future increases in yield due to silvicultural operations. Four economic indicators are used to examine the benefits & costs associated with incremental silvicultural activities: gross domestic product, total government revenue, direct government revenue, and employment. Based on a 100-hectare unit, the monetary benefits from these indicators were applied to silviculture activities in the existing FRDA. The appendix contains the assumptions & details of the analysis of benefits from FRDA I.