The Shape Shifters
註釋In The Shape Shifters, John L. Mariotti tells you how to create a powerful competitive advantage, by continuously changing to create and deliver what customers consider best value, both now and in the future. Want to get on top? Stay on top? Put aside your old arsenal of "quick fixes", patchwork programs, management fads, buzzwords, and banners. The Shape Shifters explains how to understand value better than your competitors and then use your core competencies to create and deliver that value. You'll learn what the "shape of value" really means and how to measure and picture it. You'll understand what comprises the "shape of a business" and why it is so important. You'll become comfortable with how the structure, processes, culture, relationships, and purpose of a business, lead to the value in the form of quality, service, speed, cost, and innovation. Plus, you get real-life examples from scores of companies who have "shape-shifted" to stay prosperous, including IBM, GE, Chrysler, HP, Huffy, Sears, Microsoft, and many more. Once you commit to the idea of the shape-shifting organization, Mariotti explains how to implement it smoothly, without resorting to radical downsizing or painful reengineering. To use Mariotti's effective approach to teamwork, collaboration, learning, and rapid change calls for new organizational structures. But now that you've "shifted", where do you go from here? Mariotti gives plenty of guides to keep you on your path to success. Not only does the shape-shifting organization adapt to events; it can also proactively shape them. You can develop your goals first, define a playing field that suits your talents, and devise the strategies to give your organization an ongoing competitive advantage! The key is to take the shape necessary to provide your customers with the best value by using the powerful ideas and techniques you'll find in The Shape Shifters.