Principles of Comparative Politics
William Roberts Clark
Matt Golder
Sona Nadenichek Golder
, 2012-03-23
Political Science / General
Political Science / Political Ideologies / Democracy
Political Science / Comparative Politics
Political Science / History & Theory
Political Science / Reference
The groundbreaking first edition of Principles of Comparative Politics offered the most comprehensive and up-to-date view of the rich world of comparative inquiry, research, and scholarship. Now, this thoroughly revised second edition offers students an even better guide to cross-national comparison and why it matters. The new edition retains its focus on the enduring questions with which scholars grapple, the issues about which consensus has started to emerge, and the tools comparativists use to get at the complex problems in the field. Improving organization and integrating the latest scholarship, important changes include: -- A new "Varieties of Dictatorship" chapter,as well as clearer headings signaling coverage of authoritarian regimes elsewhere in the text; -- A delegation, or principal-agent, framework is introduced as -- A unifying framework for analyzing different types of democracy in the Parliamentary, Presidential, and Semi-Presidential Democracies chapter. -- A slightly modified classification scheme is also used for identifying these democracies. -- A significant reorganizations of the "What is Science?" chapter so that there is greater emphasis on the scientific method and less focus on the ins and outs of Mill's methods; -- An expanded program of maps to allow students to visualize the geographic distribution of various key institutions around the world; -- New problems that help students to work through the theoretical, conceptual, and methodological material that is presented; -- Timely analysis of developments in the Middle East as part of the Economic Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship, Varieties of Dictatorships, and "Democratic Transitions" chapters; -- Updates for current events, including coverage of late Bush and Obam-- A er-- A policies, conflict in Somalia, NATO intervention in Libya, and more. The book's outstanding pedagogy includes chapter opener overviews, bolded key terms and -- A marginal glossary, more than 250 tables and figures, numerous photos and maps, end of chapter problem sets, and new works cited and country-specific bibliographies. Publisher's note.