The Invisible Me

A knight faces one of the deadliest bloodsheds of his time.

An African slave is trapped in the intrigues of a world that threatens his survival.

A modern Indian girl struggles through her daily life often marooned amid passion, desire, and commitments.

An aspiring CEO treads a path of hardship, lesser travelled by people.

Though they all belong to different time zones, geographical boundaries, and gender - one element of mystery behaviour binds them that defy every boundary, culture, and norm. This secretive side is cunning enough to just change the face and occupy a new possessor. The imposter side is invincibly hidden inside the mind's ravine only to peep out and strike at the most opportune moment. What begins as a mystery becomes an eye-opener for everyone and helps unmask an invisible imposter within us. Sprinkled with liberal doses of witticism and humour, these tales will make the readers laugh, cry, rage, and think.    "Imagination at its best- Will surely emerge as a star novel of this Millennium" --Mr. Sanjay Agrawal