How to Find Opportunities and Cash in on Them
Get the Best Job You Ever Had, Even When There Is No Opening. Get Into Business with Little Or No Money. Rise Above the Competition. Create a New Unique Business. Even Start a New Career
出版Xlibris Corporation, 2003-10-01
主題Business & Economics / Careers / GeneralSelf-Help / Personal Growth / Success
註釋_ Why do some people just seem to fall into that once-in-a-lifetime job?_ Others even get financed into business with no strings attached and no out-of-pocket money _ Some get hired when there are no positions open_ And how do people beat out the competition even without a resume, and at top salaries? Anybody can do all of these things. HOW TO FIND OPPORTUNITIES AND CASH IN ON THEM reveals the secrets with many examples. From simple techniques that can be used immediately, to preparing an irresistible proposal, this single book covers all. It is dedicated to the elimination of resume dependency.