The Tale of the Last American Part II
註釋Can you hear me, Mom? I just want you to know that I've had enough. I give up. I'm leaving...It's all over, Della, and this is how it's going to be. I won the rematch, didn't I, as we both knew I would, only, ' he looked at her curiously, painfully, 'why did it have to go on so long? Do you know what it's done to my life?' In pursuit of his share of the American Dream, J. Bradley Libbert has traded the principles of his traditional upbringing for the new-and-improved 'E.Th.IC.s.' His prestigious corner office, red BMW, and lovely live-in girlfriend are but some of the proofs of his success. Nothing, not even the news of his mother's failing health, can slow his stellar career. Into Bradley's office one morning walks Winston Lawrence, the front man for NuDay Enterprise. The alternative-energy group proposes building a biogas complex in Bertha, Minnesota, which will revive the small community's depressed economy. The only thing holding the plan back is obtaining the environmentally safest piece of land-Della's farm. Growing more infirm each day, 'Liberty Dell' sees her son's return not as a land deal but as an answer to prayer and a chance to witness, before she dies, the promise God made to her long ago. The question is, will Della be able to reach the heart and soul of her son before it is too late? The battle of wills ends with final installment of The Last American. A born and raised Minnesotan, Kim Lind began her career as a political writer, and then a corporate writer, before returning to her roots and finding her passion in rural health care and EMS. Now an RN, she currently works as an ER nurse in a Level III Trauma Center hospital in west-central Minnesota