Chasing the Albino Pygmy Giraffe

“Chasing the Albino Pygmy Giraffe” is a laugh aloud yet insightful parody about how little Chinese and Americans understand one another. The story unfolds as a college professor leads a group of American and Chinese students 3,500 miles across the heart of Western China down the fabled Silk Road. Along the way, the travelers brave everything from squat toilets and donkey meat to insurrection and the Red Army. Author Charles Haddad is eminently qualified to spoof Chinese and Americans alike. Not only has he seen more of China than most Chinese themselves. Haddad speaks Chinese and is well versed in Chinese history and culture. While fiction, Haddad’s tale rings true. It offers great insight for those worrying about the future of Sino-American relations. And worry they should, suggests this humorous adventure story.