Genesis In The Beginning Volume 1, Chapters 1-11
註釋Genesis: the book of beginnings. The book of Genesis is not only the first book of the Bible detailing the beginnings of Creation and life as we know it, but also serves as the over-arching and pervasive sacred reference for the true understanding of the entire Bible as intended by the Author, God, the Spirit of Truth. Genesis in its entirety, and the first eleven chapters in particular are indispensable for a meaningful understanding of God's living Word. Genesis chapter one is the majestic and glorious opening of the Bible. Armed with a real understanding of God's revealed identity, His awesome Power, and the nature of His Purpose outlined in Genesis chapters one through eleven, the student of the Bible can confidently follow the Biblical narrative as the account of God's relationship to man unfolds through the records of time and history chronicled in the pages of the Holy Bible. The Prophets, the Psalmist, the Poets, the Evangelists, and the Apostles were inspired to expound what is revealed in Genesis chapters one through eleven. Flowing out of Genesis, the Biblical narrative tells the account of creation, rebellion, and redemption in the context of God's Holiness, Righteousness, Justice, and Glory. We believe that it is absolutely necessary that the believer must meditate upon the first eleven chapters of Genesis in order to be open and well prepared to learn the Truth about God's Will, Purpose, and Plan concerning creation in general and man in particular.