Dokaz virusa hepatitisa C in njegovih protiteles v gingivalni tekočini in slini pri bolnikih s kroničnim hepatitisom C
註釋Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is considered to be the major causative agent of parenterally transmitted non-A, non-B hepatitis. The global prevalence of chronic hepatitis C is estimated to average 3%. In approximately 30-50% of infected the mode of transmission is unknown. Hepatitis C genom was detected in saliva of infected persons. Experimental transmission of HCV by HCV infected saliva was documented. According to the results of several epidemiological studies saliva is most probably of minor importance in global epidemiology of HCV infection. Possible sources of HCV in saliva may include serum exudate at dento-gingival interface, i.e. gingival crevicular fluid (GCF), containing high concentration of immunoglobulins and mononuclear cells. The aim of the research was to determine by means of direct and indirectdetection the presence and shedding patterns of HCV in GCF and saliva of 50 patient with chronic hepatitis C according to their clinical, biochemical, virological and liver biopsy status. The sensitivity and specificity of two different tests to detect anti-HCV antibodies in GCF, saliva and serum specimens was evaluated, as well. Finally, a difference in antibody reactivity between saliva and serum specimens of 32 patients with chronic hepatitis C was searched for, using recombinant and synthetic proteinsof the fourth generation enzyme immune test. (Absract truncated at 2000 characters).