Quick, Quick, Slow
註釋Quick, Quick, Slow By: R. Mark Hayhurst Description Sandra Brooke, in her late twenties, is beginning to achieve success in her career in advertising. After feeling unfulfilled working as a freelance writer, she secured her current job. She had lived at home for several years after graduating in English, until she could afford her own place. Although coming from a comfortable home counties background, as an only child she has always tried to prove success in her own right. To an extent she has focused very much on her career most relationships have left her feeling rather disappointed; to a large extent they have been deliberately forgotten. She takes the view that someone will appear for her, but she isnt actively looking. In most personal matters she confides in Megan, particularly insecurities partly derived from previous failed relationships with men. Megan has been a close friend from childhood. She sees Sandra frequently and acts as a confidant offering positive advice. This a little ironic given that her own experience with men and relationships could be described as mixed at best. Then Alex comes to her attention. She speaks to him by telephone and exchanges business emails but dont meet initially. Alex Carstairs, 30, works in the music industry with new acts, finding them venues and publicity. In some ways it is remarkable that he makes a living, as he keeps exploring different avenues for work including a possible move to Paris. Having expended almost an unhealthy amount of energy trying to build a physical picture of Alex, Sandra doesnt meet Alex until after a week away with Megan in Ibiza. She spent too much time trying to visualise Alex to the point that she almost spoiled her own holiday. She eventually met him days after her return from Spain. She had consoled herself to the likelihood that she would probably be disappointed by the man she only knew by voice. In reality, he seemed to be what she had hoped for. They start dating - meals out, meals in, walks and lots of talks. Things progressed rapidly although both tried unsuccessfully to slow things down. External factors unwittingly drove them closer together. Sandra was continually pestered by a male work colleague; Alex considers a possible change in career path which would involve a move to Paris as well as pressure from his work in London, including time spent on an all-girl band and pressure within a part time second job. What had started out as a whirlwind romance grows with increased intensity, but not everything runs smoothly; Alex isnt as reliable as she would like and this becomes an issue. At various stages Sandra questions whether their relationship has run its course or if they can rekindle their partnership as it falters. RMH 2013