The Bioarchaeology of Metabolic Bone Disease
Megan Brickley
Rachel Ives
Elsevier Science
, 2008-06-18
Law / Forensic Science
Medical / Diseases
Medical / Endocrinology & Metabolism
Medical / Forensic Medicine
Medical / Orthopedics
Medical / Osteopathy
Reference / Personal & Practical Guides
Science / Life Sciences / Anatomy & Physiology
Science / Life Sciences / General
Social Science / Anthropology / General
Social Science / Anthropology / Physical
Social Science / Archaeology
The Bioarchaeology of Metabolic Bone Disease
provides a comprehensive and invaluable source of information on this important group of diseases. It is an essential guide for those engaged in either basic recording or in-depth research on human remains from archaeological sites. The range of potential tools for investigating metabolic diseases of bone are far greater than for many other conditions, and building on clinical investigations, this book will consider gross, surface features visible using microscopic examination, histological and radiological features of bone, that can be used to help investigate metabolic bone diseases.
Clear photographs and line drawings illustrate gross, histological and radiological features associated with each of the conditions
Covers a range of issues pertinent to the study of metabolic bone disease in archaeological skeletal material, including the problems that frequent co-existence of these conditions in individuals living in the past raises, the preservation of human bone and the impact this has on the ability to suggest a diagnosis of a condition
Includes a range of conditions that can lead to osteopenia and osteoporosis, including previous investigations of these conditions in archaeological bone