Sound the Alarm - 2nd Revision
註釋Have you sounded the Alarm? What will happen if Christ returned tomorrow? Do you know what tools are needed in this spiritual warfare battle? What should you do once the alarm has been sounded, and are you ready for war?

This book was written to warn the people that the Messiah, the second coming of Jesus Christ, is soon to come! Many people don't believe in Jesus Christ, but I am here to tell you that He is the only way. The Bible says in John 14:6 that He is the way, the truth, and the life. It states, "no man shall come unto the Father, but by me (Jesus)."

To believe in GOD is to believe in Jesus, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. For they are all one. I am praying that after you read this book, you will reevaluate your life and begin taking steps toward living a Christian life. If you are a (backslider), it's now time to return to your Father. You must develop a personal relationship. You don't have much time to waste. According to the many current events worldwide, we have to make sure that we are ready for what's about to come.