You’Re Always Being Interviewed
How to Be Intentionally Extraordinary
出版Abbott Press, 2016-10-27
主題Education / General

Youre Always Being Interviewed.

Is not just the title of this book its a mantra to be incorporated into your everyday life. Whether you like it or not, your reputation and personal brand are constantly in development and demonstrated by your character, relationships, habits and etiquette. Drawing on his many years as a Talent Spotter, Ron Brumbarger reveals why its vital you demonstrate strong character, even during interactions you believe are inconsequential. He shares numerous stories of intentionally extraordinary individuals who made a positive and long-lasting impression and how they did it as well as stories of those who missed the boat.

Learn more about the book at http://yourealwaysbeinginterviewed.com

Ron explains the concept of relational capital and why its of utmost importance in all relationships. Discover the benefits of exhibiting poise, grace, and discipline with this guide to being intentionally extraordinary at all times and in all things.