My Secret Corner
註釋A Note from Ruby's co-publisher:

I greatly enjoyed preparing the poems for this book and I know they will be enjoyed by any who read them. There is something here for everyone. Ruby has heard from many of her readers over the years, many of them strangers who had to tell her what her poems have meant to them. Many of them were ill or going through an illness with a loved one and found 'solace', the word they often used, in reading her words, many poems dealing with death, dying, and cancer. Often she has been told her first edition of 'My Secret Corner' is always kept by the bedside and worn out from constant use.

Some of her poems are lighthearted, some are whimsical, some of them are astute comments on today's society and governments and ring loudly of truth. Some of them tell of her feelings or the feelings of others while going through the death of a loved one. Some tell of her childhood in an island fishing community, remembering everything from carrying pails as a youngster to fill the bath tubs and outdoor 'biffies', the local name for the outdoor 'facilities'. There are love poems and poems of life-long friendships that end with a separation by death. Many of the poems in this edition are new, never published before. Many of them are award winning. All are enjoyable and entertaining. I'm sure any reader will find this book a good read, a book that will be kept nearby to be read again and again.

Jan Lister Caldwell
Menagerie Publishing