Diabetes No More
註釋About the Book This book is an outline of diabetes as a whole, including the different types, causes, treatment methods, prevention tips and most important of all, a diabetic meal plan to ensure the body is getting everything it needs and nothing it doesn't. Chapter 1 focuses on understanding diabetes and learning the variances between the different types: Type 1, Type 2, gestational, prediabetes and diabetes insipidus. You will gain an understanding of the causes, the symptoms, the treatment methods and what you can do to help prevent diabetes, which is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States. You will then get into Chapter 2, where you will learn about what foods you should and should not eat if you have been diagnosed with diabetes. You will discover the different types of carbohydrates, learn to evaluate the difference between good fats and bad fats and learn the truth about whether or not artificial sweeteners are beneficial. You will also learn how to choose the right foods to put on your plate, how to dish up the appropriate portion sizes, and some appropriate portion sizes, and how to prepare healthy snacks. Once you take in all the background information related to diabetes and healthy diabetic eating, you can dive into Chapter 3, where there are specific meal plan suggestions laid out for you in easy to understand charts. Each meal can be modified to meet your tastes, while offering you examples of how to begin planning a specific diabetic diet based upon the guidelines in Chapter 2. Once you've finished reading this chapter, you will be ready to head to the grocery store to begin preparing healthy balanced meals. Finally, Chapter 4 answers countless other questions you may have about diabetes, including topics about traveling while managing diabetes to whether or not a diabetic diet is right for the entire family. You will also discover how to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into a picky teenager's diabetic diet plan as well. Lastly, you will read information on exercise and the glycemic index, making it easy to find all the information you need to help manage your diabetes successfully. The book has been written with love and with no intention of confusing you or making you feel inadequate when it comes to what you do and don't know about diabetes. It is, however, determined to not only help you gain a deeper understanding of the disease, but to help you learn to plan accordingly no matter what the situation. This will ensure that you have the means to get your diabetes under control, so that you can begin living the healthy, active life you have always dreamed of!