Seven Seeds

Are you happy with where you currently are in life? Do you want more out of life? Do you seek to be fulfilled and have a greater sense of purpose and understanding?

Most people don't realize that their thoughts, words, and actions determine their future. You are where you are right now in life, good or bad, because of everything you've thought, said, and done in the past. The purpose of this book is to simplify seven key biblical principles to help the reader discover and understand that they have control over their future. However, the key to understanding these biblical principles is to awaken the spirit within in order to live an emotionally stable, blessed, and prosperous life. We live life through the seeds we plant each day in our thoughts, words, and actions.

- Begin to understand the true power and importance of your thoughts, words, and actions, and the role each plays in manifesting your future.

- Have a clear understanding of certain biblical principles, that as Christians, we cannot ignore if we truly wish to live a faith filled abundant life.

- Learn that everything comes from God and that developing a relationship with God is the key to everything.

- Be drawn closer to God and have a new perspective in your thinking with an open heart and a clear mind.

- More importantly, awaken your inner spirit to the simple truths that God has laid out for every one of us to live by.