註釋With the publication of this volume, New Mexico joins a few other western states in having an authoritative vegetation compilation. This book is the first comprehensive study of the biological history and evolution of New Mexico's vegetation and includes a detailed account of the distribution of plant communities in the state today. The discussion of major types of vegetation: tundra and coniferous forest; woodland and savanna; grassland; scrubland; riparian; and wetlands includes the principal plant species found in each type. For each vegetation type, special attention is given to describing how plants sharing a common location interact and, in particular, how human activity impacts on each type. Much of New Mexico's vegetation is in some stage of succession as a result of human-initiated disturbances such as fire, logging, and livestock grazing. The book ends with a detailed description of species of special concern and what is being done to preserve examples of vegetation types within the state. A map of the state's vegetation, including vegetation types not found on existing maps, accompanies the book. This book is indispensable as a reference in the fields of biology, ecology, and botany. The classifications of vegetation employed here are easily recognizable in the field, which makes them of greater use to the public in general as well as to resource managers, researchers, and students.