City of Sparrows
註釋In an all-too-near future, where the laws are made by the powerful "Enforcers," parents are allowed to have only two children, and only "legal" individuals have the rights of a home and paid work. Among the lowest of the hated "illegals" are the innocent street children, homeless waifs driven from their families and forced to fend for themselves. Young Eryyn and Sawyer live as most street kids do, by pick-pocketing and breaking into houses for small trinkets to sell to the pawnshops. The streets are cruel and few their age survive the dangers, but there is no other choice. The Enforcers and other apathetic adults think nothing of selling little children like them to factories and work farms as slave labor. Some, like the villainous "Foreman," even profit from the thieves?running gangs of "kleptos" with an iron fist. Though Sawyer is not content with his plight, there seems little hope for change, until a senseless crime pushes Eryyn over the edge and she vows to finally fight back. She and Sawyer utilize their wits and draw the street kids together into a rebellion?but they also draw the attention of the ruthless Foreman, who will not hesitate to kidnap or murder to get his way. As the children fight for their rights, Eryyn and Sawyer are caught up in a treacherous web of deceit, betrayal, and danger which explodes into a heart-pounding and powerful conclusion.