Recovery and Analysis of Thermal Mark Hatchery Salmon Otoliths in Lower Cook Inlet, 2022
註釋The overall purpose of this project is to assess wild and hatchery salmon stock performance (e.g., adult returns, productivity, marine survival) in the Southern and Outer districts of the Lower Cook Inlet Management Area (LCIMA). Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) employees in the LCIMA recover otoliths from pink Oncorhynchus gorbuscha and sockeye O. nerka salmon harvested in commercial common property (CCP) and hatchery cost-recovery (HCR) fisheries and examine the samples for hatchery marked otoliths to estimate contributions of wild and hatchery fish. These contribution estimates are used by ADF&G fisheries managers to assist in managing mixed stock commercial harvests to be consistent with sustained yield of wild and hatchery stocks (AS 16.05.730 and 5 AAC 39.220), follow appropriate principles and criteria in the Policy for the Management of Sustainable Salmon Fisheries (5 AAC 39.222), and achieve spawning escapement goals (5 AAC 39.223). In addition to fishery management uses, estimating hatchery proportions in harvests and escapements is necessary to create preseason harvest and run projections and to evaluate wild stock escapement goals. Hatchery operators use contribution estimates to assess hatchery runs and evaluate total return, marine survival, and release strategies. This regional operational plan summarizes otolith reading quality assurance measures, otolith collection and sample processing procedures, and methods employed to calculate hatchery contributions to commercial harvests in the Southern District, and escapements to select pink salmon index streams in the Southern and Outer districts in the LCIMA. This project will also facilitate collecting tissue samples, paired with otoliths, so unmarked fish can be used to develop a genetic baseline to examine pink salmon stock structure in Lower Cook Inlet.