Two Frogs in a Puddle

When two people have health problems and they are married, who takes care of the caregiver?

Learn what it takes to survive, and how to cope, when the unthinkable happens in Mary "Mitzi" E. Hamilton's heartbreaking true story, Two Frogs in a Puddle.

Mary enjoyed a quiet retirement on the coast of Florida with her loving husband, Lowell. They had worked hard all their lives, saving as much as they could until they were happily living off their tiny nest egg.

Settling into a peaceful routine, they enjoyed fishing, biking, and spending time with their two sons and grandsons. Everything seemed perfect.

That all comes crashing down, however, when Mary is suddenly diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and Lowell with quickly advancing Alzheimer's disease. Suddenly, this blissfully retired couple must face the realities of not one, but two horrific illnesses.

As Mary attempts to care for Lowell, her own failing health eventually results in a nervous breakdown. But in the midst of their emotional journey, Mary offers advice for others who are experiencing the same sort of agony. This is a must read for family or friends of the elderly, as well as a valuable tool for retirees themselves.