Multiple Intelligences and Positive Life Habits
註釋This book offers teachers a toolbox for discovering the innate strengths and talents and the unique learning styles of each student. Drawing from Howard Gardner's work on multiple intelligences, the book offers more than a dozen activities specifically tailored to each of the eight multiple intelligences: verbal/linguistic, mathematical/logical, visual/spatial, musical/rhythmic, bodily/kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalist. Each activity serves as a guide to developing learning strategies in the classroom and fostering relationships with students based on their individual strengths. The book explains how teachers must develop relationships with students and aid them in developing a sense of connectedness with a group. It also explains how life habits must be a part of a proactive plan to teach students problem solving skills and positive interactions. Life habits cover such key social areas as relationships, teamwork, common sense, productivity, and problem solving. The book is organized into eight chapters, each focusing on one of the multiple intelligences. A life habits breakdown helps the reader find life habit activities that are just right for a specific class and grade level. Each activity has discussion and journal questions. (SM)